Thursday, September 26, 2013

Well, Shall We?

Our Prime Minister has written a book.

I mean, I shouldn’t really be surprised, a lot of people write books, in a lot of different ways, but my first thought of course was: “when?!” So I did a bit of reading. Apparently he started writing in around 2005, and plugged away at it in sections, 15 minutes a day style. Huh. So of course, that go me thinking as well. What would happen if I sat down to write for fifteen minutes a day? What could I come out with?

Well, honestly, I can’t answer my own question. However, I think this may be a new challenge to try. For fifteen minutes a day, I’ll sit down and write. I already know there will be days when I get nothing done; everyone has a day where they just can’t get the words to the page, eh? But maybe some days will be better than others, and I’ll actually decide to keep writing. Who knows? I certainly don’t.

What will I write about though? Hmm, what do I want to write about; shall I write a fantasy, a thrilling adventure with spells and sorcery; or shall I write a tale of the sea, a swashbuckling fantasy about a pirate and the troubles he faces; again, I could try to write something more based in reality - a trip to Europe, a life in the county; anything is possible, and I think that’s what has been stopping me in the past - not knowing what to write about.

Of course, after you have a topic and a plot with a basic manuscript, there’s the research. You don’t want to stumble into something and then realize you’ve got it all wrong; but to get there, of course, you have to have an idea. So. What do you think I should look at writing about (aside from completing my Europe blog… I’ll get to it, I *promise*. I’ve even got my journal in a special place on my desk, and the photos are going up on Facebook in an order now!)? “Far-off places, daring sword fights, a prince in disguise?” (Beauty and the Beast) Or shall I keep it closer to home, and what I know? Hmm. With Halloween coming up, maybe I’ll write something spooky? Or, of course, I could write a series of short stories.

Actually, that’s not too bad an idea - a series of short stories, each being written in fifteen minutes. It could be like those “Math Minutes” you do in school; except not math, and certainly not only one minute. I wonder…

Well, now I’m wondering many things; will I actually do this; do I have the drive to see it through; when should I start; what will I do on days that I can’t find the time; why is it so hard to find fifteen minutes to myself some days. A multitude of questions are now clamouring for space in my mind, and thus, I must leave you. I’m off to do a spot of cleaning, and then when I get home to fix the drivers on my laptop and eventually print off my booklist so that I can begin organizing my personal library.

~*~Follow your dreams!~*~

xx  L.C.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Well hello there, again!

I feel as though I’ve neglected my blog, but I just couldn’t keep up with two while traveling. Therefore, “Hello, it’s so nice to see you again!”

        (I went to Stonehenge this summer).

    I’m back from Europe, have been for a little over a month, and as such I’m attempting to readjust to life as a somewhat sedentary being. By somewhat sedentary I don’t mean that I don’t get out, but that I’m not moving every 2-4 days like I was in Europe. If you want to hear more about my time in Europe, my blog on that is over at It’s not quite completed yet as, like I said, I’m trying to readjust. Also because I’ve been busy with the travelling thing.

    Anyways, how are you? I’d pour you a cup of tea, but as you see, that’s quite improbable - I’m here, and you’re over there. What a predicament, isn’t it? But alas, I shall have to keep up a one-sided conversation then, and try to provide some sort of entertainment. Where to begin…. Well, the last month has flown by for me, as I’m certain it has for you. I arrived home, tried to get over jetlag, tried to get used to driving again, and went back to work. I also did some housesitting, and here we are. I’m frazzled; are you frazzled? I can’t believe it’s already part of the way through September! I’ve got more cover letters to write than I know what to do with, am currently looking in on 2 pets at 2 separate homes, and working. Also, the aforementioned cover letters allude quite nicely to the job search that I am currently undergoing, don’t they? I thought it was a nice way to broach a topic, anyways.

           --this is Bailey, our new puppy!

    So yes, today I’d like to talk a little bit about job searching. I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t get any easier the more I do it. In fact, I’m thinking it may get a bit more difficult, because you not only have to update your resume, but every job you apply for requires a well-tailored cover letter; that’s the hardest part for me. Cover letters are my downfall; they just make me uncomfortable. “Here, here’s one page of paper. properly address and date it, and then use the rest of the space to tell me your work history, where you found this opportunity, and why you’re the best candidate for this whole job. Oh, and because we’ve never met, I’m making snap decisions about you based solely on these few pieces of paper you either send me, or hand over. So do it right.” That’s what cover letters say to me. I can’t help but to image this huge, faceless person lurking in the shadows when I set out to write a new cover letter. It’s always a basic humanoid shape, but I always image a deep male voice. And the figure is ALWAYS about a foot and a half taller than me.


    Even though I’ve had a basic outline for my cover letters for years, the task doesn’t become any less daunting; I’m just not good at basically bragging about my accomplishments (or lack thereof). What about you, how are you? Are you applying for jobs as well; if so, how’s it going? Do you have any tips for someone like me, who seems to be drowning in paper? Please, let me know!

    I guess that’s all I’ve actually got to say today. Maybe next time I won’t be at work and drinking only water. Then perhaps we can sit down and make a cup of tea together. Cheers until next time!

xx  L. C.